Apply for the new Educational Support Grant

Apply for the new Educational Support Grant

Apply for the Educational Support Grant in 3 easy steps: 1. Confirm eligibility, 2. Complete application, 3. Stay tuned

Students pursuing a career in early child care/development and attending a California community college may be eligible to apply for the Educational Support Grant.

Grant funding (to support tuition and/or textbook costs) is based on submission of a complete application, the number of eligible students and successful completion of courses with a grade of "C" or better. Limited funding is distributed on a first come, first served basis.

More information about all priorities can be found here.

If you have an existing CDTC account, log in here to apply.
If you do not have a CDTC account, answer the questions below to continue.

Apply for an Educational Support Grant (2024/2025)

  • Eligibility
  • Personal Info
  • Current Enrollment
  • Educational Info
  • Employment Info
  • Demographics
  • Review/Summary

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Step 1: Confirm eligibility

Please answer the following questions to determine your eligibility for an Educational Support Grant

Application status

CDTC is currently accepting Educational Support Grant applications for the 2024-2025 program year.