Curriculum Alignment Project logoResources for Student Created Portfolios

While viable options for earning credit for prior learning (CPL) already exist in regulation, they are typically not funded or supported with any resources that lend themselves to fair and equitable application (e.g., consistent expectations and grading rubrics), and faculty are not compensated for developing, coordinating, or evaluating the student submissions.

CAP has been funded to develop models of portfolio requirements and rubrics that could be used to implement Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) on local campuses. The model portfolio requirements will be designed to document competency in the eight CAP Classic courses. They will be openly licensed so that departments can adopt and tailor them to meet local campus priorities. Each will also include rubrics for grading/evaluation. This part of the project is designed to reduce the initial heavy lift that can be a barrier to implementing CPL through student-created portfolios. 

The CAP-developed models for student-created portfolios can be found on Canvas Commons by searching "CAP ECE". There is a separate Canvas shell for each of the eight CAP Classic courses. Each shell has instructions/explanations for use, tasks and requirements related to each objective for the course, and embedded grading rubrics.


Curriculum Alignment Project logo

All CAP projects are funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division.