EarlyEdU Crosswalk
The purpose of the CAP/EarlyEdu Crosswalk Project is to support California faculty in accessing the resources available through EarlyEdU that can be used to enhance instruction and enrich student experiences and outcomes.
First 5 California (F5CA) funded CDTC and the CAP Team to create a crosswalk between the CD/ECE CAP aligned course content and the EarlyEdU courses available for free with EarlyEdU Alliance® membership.
Access to the EarlyEdU materials will require an individual or institutional membership in the EarlyEdU Alliance®. More information can be found on the EarlyEdU Alliance® website https://www.earlyedualliance.org/. Membership is free and includes many valuable benefits beyond access to the materials.
There are seven crosswalk documents:
All CAP projects are funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division.