CAP Alignment
To get started
If your college/institution is interested in updating your courses to the revised outlines that now include the ECE-TPE content, please send an inquiry to June Millovich or MaryBeth Miller, and the CAP team will reach out to help you determine what kind of support you might need.
Community Colleges
- If you are submitting for CAP Classic alignment, all 8 courses must be submitted at the same time.
- If you are submitting for CAP Expansion alignment, you may submit any number of courses.
- Either an approved (local/state) Course Outline of Record (COR) or a draft/proposed COR may be submitted for initial alignment.
CSU & California Private Universities
- You may submit any number of courses.
- Either an approved or a draft Course Outline of Record (COR) or Syllabus may be submitted for initial alignment.
- Only California regionally accredited institutions are eligible to participate.
CAP Alignment Instructions
All CAP projects are funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division.