CAP Methods of Evaluation Project
This project developed a collection of openly licensed methods of evaluation (MOE) for the CAP eight foundational courses (CAP Classic) as well as the Administration I, Administration II, and Adult Supervision and Mentoring courses (CAP Expansion) that are specifically aligned with individual course objectives.
Coming Soon! MOEs for the Infant Toddler Development, Infant Toddler Care and Curriculum, Introduction to Children with Disabilities and Delays, and Curriculum and Strategies for Children with Disabilities or Delays
All assignments in this project are openly licensed. You are free to add, delete, re-word, include other foundational resources, change the rubrics, use just a part, or combine multiple items. In other words, feel free to make them your own.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list; we are sure there are other awesome MOEs out there that are used effectively to measure student progress, but for any instructors new to courses or looking for some assignments to support particular areas of your courses, we hope this is a start.
How to Access
The CAP MOE Modules for the Classic Eight courses can be found by searching Canvas Commons with the search term "CAP ECE". The Classic MOEs are all in one Canvas Shell organized by modules for each class. The Expansion MOEs are in separate Canvas Shells: Admin and Supervision, Infant Toddler (coming soon), and Disabilities and Delays(coming soon). The Classic MOEs can also be found in the Open Educational Resources (OER) resource shells administered by Jennifer Paris through the Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI). You will need to be logged into Canvas to access these course shells. If your college does not use Canvas, you can create a Canvas "Free for Teachers" account.
CAP Alignment Instructions
All CAP projects are funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division.