About Child Development Training Consortium
The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) is a statewide program funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division. The program is administered by the Yosemite Community College District since 1987, and serves all of California.
The Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC) was created in fiscal year 1982-1983 to address the critical shortage in the number of licensed childcare center workers in the state of California. The project was designed to assist personnel employed in agencies funded by the California Department Education, Early Learning and Care Division (CDE/ELCD) to meet the requirements of the California Children’s Center Instructional and Supervision Permits
CDTC’s objectives and goals have remained consistent since the program’s inception in 1982. CDTC seeks to:
Support students attending California community colleges that offer both online and face-to-face course options, to employees of childcare/development programs. The child care program staff can more quickly meet the requirements for the permits issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
In 2020-2021 support for California community college students was expanded to include non-employed students, enrolled in a practicum course AND students who were taking 12 units or more (full-time students).
Nearly 30 Years of CDTC Success
The demand for trained early care and education workers has continued to increase over time. CDTC supports the demand for course work by providing financial assistance to students enrolling in college classes needed to obtain a Child Development Permit.
CDTC provides a search tool to assist students seeking online coursework at California community colleges on the CDTC website.
CDTC also provides financial assistance to obtain Child Development Permits issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
In 2007-2008 CDTC launched the Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP). The California Early Childhood Curriculum Alignment Project supports transfer and curriculum consistency in the foundational preparation of early childhood education students.
In 2011 CDTC developed the ECE Competencies Mapping Tool. The ECE Competencies Mapping Tool provides a way to determine where and to what extent courses and trainings align with California's ECE Competencies.
Organizational Structure
The Yosemite Community College District (YCCD) contracts and ensures that program services are implemented in accordance with the contract. YCCD subcontracts with approximately 60 participating community college campuses to educate eligible students throughout California. CDTC provides direct support to students at approximately 45 additional community colleges. The YCCD employs eight full-time staff members to administer the CDTC programs.
Each college participating in the Consortium designates a Campus Administrator who oversees the implementation of the CDTC program at his/her campus. Participating CDTC colleges offer required courses in non-traditional ways such as off-campus, on weekends, online, in accelerated time frames and in languages other than English. Each participating campus consults with a local Advisory Committee, which includes representation from all program types, to establish how best to meet student needs with CDTC support.