Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP)
The California Early Childhood Curriculum Alignment Project supports transfer and curriculum consistency in the foundational preparation of early childhood education students.
CAP Alignment with ECE TPEs
The CAP Classic courses were revised (2021) to align with the Teacher Level of the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) adopted by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the English Learner Roadmap, and recommendations from the Parent Organization Network.
The CAP Administration I, Administration II, and Adult Supervision and Mentoring courses were revised In Fall 2022 to align with the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) for Master Teaching, Mentoring, Coaching, and Administrating in the Early Childhood Setting developed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
If your college/institution is interested in updating your courses to the revised outlines that now include the TPE content, please send an inquiry to June Millovich or MaryBeth Miller, and the CAP team will reach out to help you determine what kind of support you might need.
The CAP courses have been accepted as the required core for the Associate in Science for Transfer in Early Childhood Education. For information on the courses and the degree, go to
C-ID adopted the revised elements of the CAP course outlines in 2021 so the C-ID descriptors and CAP outlines match.
The CAP Methods of Evaluation Project
This project developed a collection of openly licensed methods of evaluation (MOE) for the CAP eight foundational courses (CAP Classic) as well as the Administration I, Administration II, and Adult Supervision and Mentoring courses that are specifically aligned with individual CAP course objectives.
All assignments in this project are openly licensed. You are free to add, delete, re-word, include other foundational resources, change the rubrics, use just a part, or combine multiple items. In other words, feel free to make them your own.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive list; we are sure there are other awesome MOEs out there that are used effectively to measure student progress, but for any instructors new to courses or looking for some assignments to support particular areas of your courses, we hope this is a start.
How to Access
The CAP MOE Modules for the Classic Eight courses can be found on the Canvas Commons in the existing Open Educational Resources (OER) resource shells administered by Jennifer Paris through the Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI). You will need to be logged into Canvas to access these course shells. The links below will take you to Canvas Commons.
- Child Growth and Development
- Child, Family and Community
- Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children
- Introduction to Curriculum
- Health, Safety and Nutrition
- Observation and Assessment
- Teaching in a Diverse Society
- Practicum - Field Experience
The MOE Modules for the Administration and Adult Supervision courses are shared in one course on Canvas Commons. The Commons Course name is CAP MOEs for Administration and Supervision and the Course Tile Image is a mug with the word "Preschool" on it:

These projects have been supported and funded by
- Child Development Training Consortium
- California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division
Other resources
- CA ECE Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP)
- Creative Commons
- Open Educational Resources Initiative (OERI)
- Commission on Teacher Credentialing Early Childhood
Learn More
Due Dates
CAP Classic and CAP Expansion Review and Verification
You may submit your CAP Official documents at anytime.
The CAP/EarlyEdU Crosswalk Resource is Available
The CAP/EarlyEdU Crosswalk is between the CD/ECE CAP aligned course content and the EarlyEdU courses available for free with EarlyEdU Alliance® membership. The purpose of the Crosswalk Project is to support California faculty in accessing the resources available through EarlyEdU that can be used to enhance instruction and enrich student experiences and outcomes.
CAP 8 Course Textbooks in Spanish
Associate Degree for Transfer in Early Childhood Education
The CAP courses are the foundation for the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) in Early Childhood Education (ECE). Access this link for a list of CSU's who have a program similar to the ADT in ECE. CSU Student Transfer
Additionally, some CSUs specifically identify how the CAP courses fit into their programs. Contact your nearby CSU for more information.
More Info
All CAP projects are funded by the California Department of Social Services, Child Care and Development Division.