
  • Live scan reimbursement is available only for the FIRST TIME an applicant does fingerprinting for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
    • Applicants who have been fingerprinted for a permit, credential, emergency substitute or other document requiring a live scan for the Commission are not eligible.
    • If an application for a permit was denied and the applicant is fingerprinted again for their first document/permit, they are not eligible for the live scan reimbursement.
    • See the Permit FAQs page for more information on live scan processing, expiration, and payments.
  • The permit stipend will only reimburse an applicant for Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fees, currently $49. Fees charged by the live scan operator are not reimbursed.
  • Live scan reimbursement is processed on a first come, first served basis.
    • It is possible to receive the permit application and not the live scan reimbursement.
  • Live scan reimbursement requests must accompany a complete permit application. Live scan requests sent without a permit application are not eligible for reimbursement.
  • Live scan reimbursements must be accompanied by an authorized receipt showing the amount paid; a completed Section 6 of form 41LS with fees paid is acceptable.
    • Using a service like Certifix is acceptable, but the receipt showing amount paid must be submitted, live scan Form 41LS is not sufficient to show payment.